The Kids for Coltrane focuses on jazz to teach children about American history, equality, character education and the arts. By doing this children become invested in literacy, creativity, compassion, curiosity, and courage. It is a program that celebrates the individual while also working in collaboration with others.
The Kids for Coltrane is a social justice education project. It grew out of work by founder and educator Christine Termini Passarella during her years teaching in the New York public and private schools. Workshops and seminars are now offered to communities throughout the world. Standing on the shoulders of John Coltrane’s life, music and spirit the program helps children blossom …to be forces for good.
The Kids for Coltrane is a community-based organization with a mission to teach through the arts. Coltrane's music helps us wrestle with what it means to be human. It provides an understanding of American history through the time-line of blues and jazz in America. Building on character education the students listen and analyze America’s classical music and connect to it through their own life lens. The connections continue as we also share other genres of music. Also offered is a performance component in which children may elect to be part of the Coltrane Kid Singers.
The Kids for Coltrane cultivates an environment of respect bringing out individual talent, discipline, skills, and critical thinking. The program helps develop a foundation for children which they take with them throughout their journeys as they become innovative and vital global citizens.
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